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Inworld Studio

Craft epic game designs

Spend more time doing the work you love when you let AI streamline your workflows. Create characters, outlines, drafts, dialogue, trees, and more with a suite of tools designed to facilitate game development and design.

Character Creation

Develop dialogue and interactive characters

Create compelling characters with simple sliders and writing prompts. Add details about the character's backstory, motivations, and flaws to bring your story to life.

  • No code required. Just write!
  • Add knowledge, scenes, character traits, and more to build your story world
  • Interactive NPCs can be deployed in real-time experiences using Inworld Engine

Co-developed with Microsoft Xbox

Workshop storylines with Narrative Graph

While interactive narratives put players at the center of the fantasy, storylines can be complex with non-linear plots, dependencies, and branching structures. Use Narrative Graph to visualize storylines, generate new ideas, and optimize the player experience. 


Get realistic voice AI

Add dynamic vocal performances that adapt to the context of your game and add emotional depth to character interactions. Get a voice pipeline with ultra-low latency for no additional cost when you use the Inworld platform.

Learn more

The Mercenary


Mindfulness Coach




Fiery Sorceress


Character Training

Refine character models

Use Inworld's built-in chat features to refine dialogue and tune your interactive character.

  • Regenerate character responses to teach our models how your character should behave
  • Rate character responses to optimize interactions
  • Review interactions to evolve your character

Research & customer stories

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