Upskill your team with AI role play training

Enhance training effectiveness and productivity with realistic AI role play training scenarios that  provide on-demand training support and have the ability to scale across teams. We provide the AI, you customize the scenarios and personas. 

Inworld License

Ways to use

2 ways to use Inworld for AI role play training

  • Create your own: Get the customizability you need by creating your own role play training scenarios in Inworld Studio to integrate in your own training client. 
  • Integrate into your product: Add AI role play training into your sales enablement or training and development app to differentiate your product and boost recurring revenue. 
AI for training

Why use role playing AI for training

  • On-demand AI practice: Practice makes perfect. On-demand AI practice supports continuous improvement and training support when your employees need it. 
  • Remain on-brand: Consistent messaging is key. Ensure your customer service and sales reps know how to answer objections or respond to complaints. 
  • Improve performance: Get insights into your customer service and sales reps’ performance – and help them improve for better results. 
  • Save time – and costs: Inworld provides cost-efficient AI characters and highly customizable character profiles to meet all your training needs – while saving staff time.
Ways to use

5 use cases for AI role play training  

  • AI sales role play training: Improve sales results by helping reps elevate their messaging. 
  • AI customer service role play training: Increase customer satisfaction by improving rep responses and messaging.  
  • AI manager role play training: Simplify manager training with common managerial role play scenarios. 
  • AI employee role play training: Reduce ramp time for onboarding and streamline ongoing training. 
  • AI difficulty conversations role play training: Increase the effectiveness of performance reviews and other difficult workplace conversations. 
Sales training
  • Why AI sales training role play?: Provide personalized, on-demand role play training to support your reps’ weaknesses, help them ramp quickly, and improve their performance. 
  • Sales training role play scenarios: Use AI to role play sales training scenarios like discovery, listening, product demos, customer storytelling, handling objections, negotiations, difficult personas, and more.
Customer service training
  • Why AI customer service role play?: Deliver better customer service and call center training to improve customer satisfaction and first call resolution rates. 
  • Customer service role play scenarios: Use AI to role play customer service scenarios like angry customers, escalations to managers, having to say no to a customer, and more. 
Manager training
  • Why AI manager role play?: Help managers practice the soft skills they need to embody your organization’s management values and help their direct reports succeed. 
  • Performance management role play scenarios: Use AI to role play manager scenarios like performance management conversations, conflicts between co-workers, managing up, and more. 
Employee training
  • Why AI employee role play?: Onboard and ramp new employees faster and provide on demand training for ongoing needs or practice. 
  • Employee training role play scenarios: Use AI role play employee training scenarios like company messaging training, managing up, DEI training, and more. 
Difficult conversations training
  • Why AI difficult conversations role play?: Help your employees manage difficult conversations with confidence and improve workplace culture and productivity. 
  • Difficult conversations role play scenarios: Use AI role play difficult conversations scenarios like giving feedback, supporting behavioral changes, addressing DEI issues, and more.

Types of role play to deploy

  • AI practice: Use AI role play to practice new product demos, master new talking points, learn how to pivot conversations, and more. 
  • Active listening role play scenarios: Create active listening scenarios where employees learn how to effectively and empathetically listen and respond to customers.
  • Communication scenarios role play: Teach staff how to deal with tough conversations like overcoming objections, dealing with conflicts, or de-escalating frustrated customers. 
  • Performance management role play: Teach managers how to have effective performance management conversations – staying focused on improvements and supporting staff to succeed.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is role play training?

    Role play training involves simulated scenarios where individuals act out various roles to practice skills and behaviors relevant to their profession or personal development goals.

    Key aspects of role play training include:

    • Simulated scenarios: Participants engage in realistic scenarios that mimic actual situations they might encounter in their roles.
    • Skill practice: Role play provides an opportunity to practice specific skills, such as communication, negotiation, and problem-solving.
    • Behavior development: It helps individuals develop and refine behaviors that are crucial for their professional or personal growth.
    • Feedback and improvement: Participants receive feedback on their performance, allowing them to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • What are the benefits for role play in training

    Role play in training offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced communication skills, improved problem-solving abilities, increased confidence, and a deeper understanding of roles and responsibilities within specific contexts.

    Key benefits of role play in training include:

    • Enhances communication skills: Role play allows participants to practice and refine their communication techniques, leading to more effective and clear interactions.
    • Improves problem-solving abilities: By simulating real-world scenarios, role play helps participants develop critical thinking and effective problem-solving skills.
    • Increases confidence: Practicing in a controlled environment boosts participants' confidence which makes them more prepared and self-assured in real situations.
    • Deepens understanding of roles and responsibilities: Role play provides insight into various roles and responsibilities, helping participants understand different perspectives and how to manage them effectively.
  • Why is role play in training important?

    Role play in training is important because it provides realistic and immersive learning experiences. This approach allows participants to apply knowledge in practical situations, refine their skills through feedback, and develop critical thinking and adaptability.

    Benefits of role play in training include:

    • Provides realistic learning experiences: Role playing simulates real-world scenarios, helping participants to better understand and prepare for actual situations they might face.
    • Applies knowledge practically: Participants can practice applying theoretical knowledge in a practical context which enhances retention and understanding.
    • Refines skills through feedback: Immediate feedback from trainers or peers allows participants to identify strengths and areas for improvement which facilitates continuous skill development.
    • Develops critical thinking: Role playing encourages participants to think on their feet and solve problems dynamically thus fostering critical thinking and decision-making skills.
    • Enhances adaptability: By experiencing a variety of scenarios, participants learn to adapt to different situations and challenges making them more versatile and resilient.
  • How do you roleplay with AI?

    To roleplay with AI, you can use specialized platforms or tools that offer AI-driven simulations. These systems typically involve interacting with virtual characters or agents programmed to respond dynamically based on predefined scenarios or user inputs.

    Steps to roleplay with AI:

    • Choose a specialized platform: Select a platform or tool designed for AI-driven role playing simulations tailored for sales, customer service, or other professional training or develop one yourself using Inworld’s tools. 
    • Set up scenarios: Define the scenarios you want to practice. These can be common sales interactions, customer service challenges, or other relevant situations.
    • Interact with AI characters: Engage with the virtual characters or agents. The AI will respond dynamically, mimicking real-life interactions based on your inputs and the predefined scenarios.
    • Focus on key skills: Use the AI role play to practice critical skills such as active listening, asking probing questions, handling objections, and refining communication techniques.
    • Receive feedback: Many AI role play platforms provide instant feedback and analysis of your performance which highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Is role playing good for sales?

    Yes, role playing is highly beneficial for sales professionals as it enables them to practice sales techniques, handle objections, and refine their communication skills in a risk-free environment. This practice ultimately leads to improved performance and success in real-world sales interactions.

    Advantages of role playing in sales include:

    • Practices sales techniques: Sales reps can rehearse various techniques and strategies, helping them to become more confident and effective in their approach.
    • Handles objections: By simulating common objections, role playing prepares sales reps to address and overcome customer concerns smoothly.
    • Refines communication skills: Regular role playing helps sales reps improve their ability to communicate clearly and persuasively.
    • Boosts confidence: Practicing in a controlled environment allows sales reps to build confidence, reducing anxiety and improving their performance in actual sales situations.
    • Enhances problem-solving: Role playing different scenarios helps sales reps develop quick thinking and effective problem-solving skills.
  • How do you perform a sales roleplay? 

    To conduct a sales role play, participants assume the roles of salesperson and customer, engaging in either scripted or improvised scenarios. The focus is on practicing active listening, asking probing questions, addressing objections, and demonstrating product knowledge while receiving constructive feedback from observers or trainers. To simplify this process and provide on-demand role play training, AI can also be used to take the role of the customer. 

    Steps to perform a sales role play include:

    • Define roles and scenarios: Assign participants as the salesperson and the customer. Create realistic scenarios that the salesperson is likely to encounter.
    • Practice active listening: The salesperson should focus on listening attentively to the customer's needs and concerns, ensuring they understand the customer's perspective.
    • Ask probing questions: Encourage the salesperson to ask open-ended questions that help uncover the customer's underlying needs and motivations.
    • Address objections: The role play should include common objections that customers might have, allowing the salesperson to practice addressing and overcoming these challenges.
    • Demonstrate product knowledge: The salesperson should effectively convey their product's features and benefits, showing how it meets the customer's needs.
    • Receive feedback: Observers or trainers should provide constructive feedback on the salesperson's performance and highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
  • What is discovery role play in sales? 

    Discovery role play in sales involves simulating interactions between sales representatives and potential clients to uncover their needs, preferences, and pain points. This exercise focuses on the initial stages of the sales process and is aimed at gathering information and building rapport.

    Benefits of discovery role play in sales include:

    • Uncovers client needs: By simulating conversations, sales reps can practice techniques for effectively identifying and understanding the client's needs and challenges.
    • Enhances questioning skills: Role play allows sales reps to refine their ability to ask open-ended and probing questions that elicit valuable information from clients.
    • Builds rapport: Practicing discovery conversations helps sales reps develop strategies for building trust and rapport with potential clients which is essential for long-term relationships.
    • Improves information gathering: Through role play, sales reps can practice and improve their methods for collecting detailed and relevant information from clients which is crucial for tailoring solutions.
  • What is a role play in customer service?

    A role play in customer service involves simulating customer interactions to train service representatives in handling various situations effectively. This practice allows them to develop and refine their communication skills, empathy, problem-solving abilities, and conflict resolution techniques in a controlled environment.

    Benefits of role play in customer service include:

    • Enhances communication skills: Role playing helps representatives practice clear and effective communication, ensuring they can convey information and assist customers efficiently.
    • Builds empathy: By simulating various customer scenarios, representatives can better understand and respond to customer emotions, fostering a more empathetic approach.
    • Improves problem-solving abilities: Role playing different situations allows representatives to think critically and develop effective solutions to common and complex customer issues.
    • Develops conflict resolution techniques: Practicing how to handle difficult customer interactions helps representatives learn how to de-escalate conflicts and find satisfactory resolutions.
  • What is role play in sales management?

    Role play in sales management involves creating scenarios where sales managers or leaders simulate interactions with sales teams. This practice is used to provide coaching, feedback, and guidance, helping to reinforce sales techniques, strategies, and foster team collaboration and performance improvement.

    Benefits of role play in sales management include:

    • Reinforces sales techniques: Role playing allows salespeople to practice and perfect their techniques in a controlled environment, making them more confident and effective in real sales situations.
    • Provides constructive feedback: Managers can observe the role play sessions and provide targeted feedback, helping sales reps understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
    • Enhances team collaboration: Through role playing, team members can learn from each other’s experiences, fostering a collaborative environment where best practices are shared.
    • Improves performance: Regular role play sessions can lead to continuous improvement, as sales reps refine their skills and strategies based on feedback and practice.
  • How do I get better at sales discovery? 

    Improving your skills in sales discovery involves several strategies:

    • Engage in role playing exercises: Practicing with a colleague or mentor can simulate real-life sales scenarios, helping you to refine your approach and responses. Role playing allows you to experiment with different techniques in a safe environment.
    • Seek feedback from peers or mentors: Constructive feedback is invaluable. Peers or mentors can provide insights on your strengths and areas for improvement, offering specific advice to enhance your sales discovery process.
    • Continuously educate yourself: Stay updated on your products, services, and industry trends. Knowledgeable sales professionals can better address client questions and position their offerings effectively.
    • Hone active listening skills: Active listening helps you understand your client's needs and concerns deeply. Pay attention to what your clients are saying and show empathy and understanding in your responses.
    • Practice asking open-ended questions: Open-ended questions encourage clients to share more information about their needs and motivations. This can reveal critical insights that help tailor your pitch and solutions to their specific requirements.