Knowledge Filters: Introducing new ways to constrain what your NPC knows

Sophia XingJanuary 10, 2024
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In video games, players willingly suspend their sense of disbelief in the hopes of being transported into a vibrant game world.  AI NPCs can enrich immersion by contributing to a realistic and dynamic world. But an NPC that breaks character can hurt immersion if the dialogue lacks believability or includes information that the character shouldn't be aware of.

That’s why we created our Knowledge Filters feature. Without proper constraints, LLMs provide NPCs with a breadth of knowledge that may not fit their character description. Knowledge Filters offer creators a path to more specific levels of knowledge access and hallucination control.

Strict controls limit characters to knowledge that they should only have if it was explicitly entered into the Core Description, Personal Knowledge, or Common Knowledge fields. This could be suitable for suspects in a murder mystery game or for an RPG Quest Giver.

Mild controls limit characters to information that is guided by knowledge inputted at design time. This includes permutations of creator-entered knowledge and what a character could know, given its set-up. This could be a helpful setting for simulation or role-playing games.

Lastly, disabling Knowledge Filters allows the character to access all the levels of cognition, which can be useful for a virtual assistant character, or an omnipotent form in a futuristic world.

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