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Our pricing is changing

Kylan Gibbs
September 11, 2023
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At Inworld, we want to make pricing predictable, simple, and clear. Enjoy more affordable, transparent, and predictable pricing for interacting with NPCs in your games with the following changes:

  • A new pricing meter that reduces the cost of players interacting with NPCs in your games 
  • An updated free tier of 5,000 monthly interactions that gives you a generous runway to refine your Inworld NPCs

Pricing changes will be effective as of September 18, 2023.

Transitioning from a per-minute to a per-interaction pricing model

Moving from time-based to interaction-based pricing eliminates the risk of idle time in gameplay and is a more straightforward way to understand interactions with NPCs. Interactions refer to the back-and-forth communication between the player and the character. Each response from a character is tabulated as a single interaction. 

Offering the best-priced option for scalable deployment

Industry pricing continues to decrease and we aim to pass on those savings by offering competitive pricing.

Simplifying our billing options into a generous free tier, with pay-as-you-go options when you go into production

Everyone will receive a free monthly quota of 5,000 interactions per month. Usage beyond the free quota is pay-as-you-go. The cost is $0.002 per interaction.

Adding new flexible controls with enhanced notifications

We will send an email when you reach 85% and 100% of your free monthly interactions. Once you have added your credit card information, your notifications will be based on customized limits that you can manage through your account settings.

Enhancing benefits

All pricing tiers, including the Free tier, now include unlimited character creation, complimentary shared workspaces, analytics, and Discord support to assist you at every step.

Keeping our Enterprise (Custom) tier

Although our Enterprise tier will transition to pay-as-you-go pricing, other benefits of this comprehensive offering will remain the same. The Enterprise tier will now be called the 'Custom' tier.

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