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Level up with AI NPCs

Elevate simple NPCs beyond dialogue trees with artificial intelligence to transform players' interaction with characters. The Inworld Character Engine powers unscripted dialogue, emotionally rich performances, and contextual awareness to deliver NPCs that adapt to players' actions – and drive measurable improvements in engagement.

Immersive Gameplay

Enhance core game loops

We know that core game loops are one of the most critical parts of any game. You can now enhance the gameplay experience and go beyond standard game mechanics with AI NPCs, helping to create highly addictive core game loops that bring gamers back again and again.

  • Responsive gameplay: With Inworld, NPCs transform into core game mechanics. How players interact with characters can determine whether they progress in the game and unlock the next level. 
  • Player-centric narrative: Players become co-creators by adding NPCs to customize the gameplay experience in real-time with each playthrough. Unlock meaningful choices, unique consequences, branching paths, and infinite replayability. 
  • Dynamic worlds: Create games where players' actions transform the world around them. Let players decide whether to make an NPC their best friend – or mortal enemy. Trigger cascading consequences that influence in-game social dynamics or uncover new quests and storylines.

Optimized for Experiences

Increase player engagement

Player engagement is crucial to the success of any game. Engaged players have longer session lengths, make more in-app purchases, and are more likely to recommend the game to friends. Turn forgettable (or annoying) NPC interactions into engaging, character-driven conversations with AI NPCs.

  • Improve game stickiness: Boost player retention with dynamic AI NPCs that have an amusing comeback to everything a player says – and also enable addictive game loops and exciting new game dynamics.
  • Increase playtime: Keep players engaged longer with dynamic dialogue, relationships that evolve, and unforgettable adventures with distinctive NPCs. Keep players craving more by making AI NPCs central to your game dynamics.

Results Matter

Witness game-changing ROI

Responsive gameplay drives player retention and boosts the addictiveness of core game loops. By making players co-creators of their gaming experience, game developers can drive measurable improvements in the KPIs that matter most.

  • Increase Day-1 retention with onboarding guides, companions, and sidekicks
  • Add AI NPCs via DLCs, upgrades, and expansions to drive ARPU
  • Make 'grinding' more fun with AI NPCs that lead to longer play sessions

What gamers are saying

We surveyed 1,000 gamers to understand what they want from their favorite games. NPCs matter to gamers – but they're frustrated by repetitive dialogue and static interactions. 

  • 99% of gamers think AI NPCs improve gameplay
  • 81% would pay more for games with AI NPCs


of gamers are more likely to buy games with AI NPCs

The Future of NPCs report found that AI NPCs influence gamers' buying decisions.


Immersive stories are the #1 factor in enjoyment

A study by California State University found that an immersive story is the top factor influencing a player's enjoyment of game worlds.


of gamers would buy an expansion pack with AI NPCs

Gamers want to experience beloved game worlds in a whole new way.


will play games with AI NPCs longer

According to the Future of NPCs report, AI NPCs boost the length of playing sessions.